How and How Should Irrigation Be Done in Egypt?

Corn is an important grain with high nutritional value and used as raw material for many industrial products. Growing maize in a healthy and productive way depends on the application of effective irrigation methods.

Investigation of Soil and Climate Conditions: Before starting irrigation planning in corn agriculture, it is important to evaluate factors such as soil type, water holding capacity, rainfall amount and climatic conditions of the region. This information will guide you on which irrigation method you should choose.

Selection of Irrigation Methods:

Drip Irrigation: Drip irrigation is an effective method in which water is given drop by drop directly to the root zone of the plants. This ensures efficient use of water and minimizes water loss.

Sprinkler Irrigation: Sprinkler irrigation is a method in which water is sprayed from above like similar raindrops. It is preferred for irrigating large areas and ensures even distribution of water.

Irrigation Timing: Different developmental stages of the corn plant have different irrigation needs. Especially during germination, flowering and grain formation periods, the need for water increases. Therefore, it is important to adjust your watering schedule according to the developmental stages of the plant.

Soil Moisture Monitoring: Regularly monitoring the moisture level of the soil helps prevent unnecessary waste of water. You can check soil moisture using moisture sensors or monitoring methods.

Irrigation Amount and Frequency: You should determine the appropriate irrigation amount depending on the needs of the plant. Generally, the water requirement of corn varies according to the region where it is grown and soil conditions.

Adjust the water frequency according to the moisture condition of the soil and the needs of the plant. You can make the roots reach deeper by watering deeply instead of surface watering frequently.

Use of Irrigation Technologies: Modern irrigation technologies can help use water more effectively. You can simplify the irrigation process by using automatic irrigation systems or timers.